
Remote Notification supports six different recipient types – Email, SMS, Reports, Twitter, Push, and GrowlForWindows.


The Email recipient type forwards your Windows Home Server health alerts to an email address that you configure, displaying the entire content of the alert. Emails can be configured to be sent based upon the severity of the alert, and Exclude Filters can be configured to prevent emails from being sent for specific alerts.


The SMS recipient type forwards your Windows Home Server health alerts to an email address that you configure, but sends the content in a shortened mobile-friendly format that fits into the 160 character limit of an SMS text message. This is most useful when used with the SMS Gateway of your mobile phone provider. Emails can be configured to be sent based upon the severity of the alert, and Exclude Filters can be configured to prevent emails from being sent for specific alerts.


The Report recipient type is a daily status report sent to an email address that you configure. The daily arrival of the report is positive indicator that all is well with your Home Server, and it provides useful information about the status of your Home Server including server uptime, storage metrics, client computer health and backup status, plus all the currently active health alerts.

The Report type can be sent in either an attractive HTML format, or a simple text format for compatibility and flexibility with many different email clients.


The Twitter recipient type forwards your Windows Home Server health alerts to a Twitter feed in a shortened format that fits the 140 character limit of a Twitter message. Twitter updates can be configured to be sent based upon the severity of the alert, and Exclude Filters can be configured to prevent updates from being sent for specific alerts.

The Twitter message can be sent either as a status update to a Twitter feed, or as a direct (private) message to a specific Twitter account.


The Push recipient type is used to forward the health alerts from your Windows Home Server to a mobile device such as your iPhone, iPod, Android phone, or Windows Phone.

The following Push Notification services are supported. Note that these are all commercial apps that you will need to purchase on your mobile device, they are not included as part of Remote Notification.

  • NMA – Notify My Android (Google Android phones and tablets)
  • Prowl (Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad)
  • Push – App Notifications (Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad)
  • Toasty (Windows Phone)


The GrowlForWindows recipient type is used to forward the health alerts from your Windows Home Server to GrowlForWindows running either on your server or on another PC on your network. This is most useful for utilizing the available GrowlForWindows Plugins to forward the notifications to services not directly supported by Remote Notification.

You can learn more about GrowlForWindows here.