Version Released

by Alex Kuretz on February 16, 2011

Quick on the heels of the initial Remote Notification 1.5 release yesterday, we have released a new version that will allow Remote Notification to work on non-English versions of Windows Home Server. If you already have Remote Notification 1.5 installed, you should get an update notification automatically in the next day or so.

We do not yet have localized versions for non-English systems but are considering this for future releases. If you use a non-English Windows Home Server and would like Remote Notification 1.5 in your language, post in the comments with what language you would want.

{ 1 comment }

John C. Weum February 23, 2011 at 3:40 pm

I will load in and test it. If it shows as much promise as we are lead I’ll be back to purchase the license.

Thank You For The Hard Work!!

My web site is down now that I’m retired. I Only do charity work now for those who can’t afford to pay for help.

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